
Bond Show Raises over £2,000

February 17, 2020
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On Friday 10th January, Chris and Chloe attended a fantastic fundraiser at the Hydro Hotel in Eastbourne – James Bond ‘Live and Let Dine’. The evening began with a reception where guests were welcomed into the suite where all the entertainment would unveil, the room was buzzing almost immediately with lots of excited guests chatting and ordering the first drinks for the night.

During the welcome reception, guests were greeted by ‘Money-Penny’ who made a brilliant start to the Bond parody show. The guests were then invited to sit down at their tables where they enjoyed the first part of the show and served the delicious starters. The show then proceeded, filling the room with laughter as the actors performed and interacted with the guests, the delicious three-course meal was served throughout.

Once the fantastic show came to an end, guests were then treated to live music from the Beatles tribute band ‘Nothing is Real’, this was an amazing end to the evening with all the guests dancing and singing along to the classic tunes.

A huge thank you to Nick Moon and his team for organising such a brilliant fundraiser for Children with Cancer Fund raising £2,082, it really was a fantastic night and the money raised will go such a long way in granting wishes for our local families going through cancer.

Plans for next year’s show are already underway so watch this space! Email to register your interest and be added to the mailing list for fundraising events.

Bond Show Raises over £2,000
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