About Us - The Team


The best gift would be closing CWCF as we are no longer needed because childhood cancer has been eliminated. Sadly, however I can’t see this ever happening, so here’s to the next 25 years of CWCF!!

Ursula is one of the founders of CWCF and a trustee.

“I really can’t believe the charity has been such a huge part of our lives for nearly 25 years now! In this time we have had our 3 children and we now have 3 grandchildren too, with one of them being involved with charity life already!

I feel very proud of what we have achieved with CWCF but know this has only been possible due to the overwhelming support and help we have received from our family, friends and the local community over the years. Our amazing staff enable this to all come together and we are extremely lucky to have them all, making us the CWCF family that we are.

Many of the families we have supported over the years have become our friends and this is an honour I still find hard to believe – they allow us into their lives at such a dark time and we gain friendship and love from their awful place.”

Children with Cancer Fund Child Jumping Logo
Help children with cancer enjoy being children